Any and all information provided by TheMakeup (“we,” “us,” “our,” “my,” “me,” or “I”) on themakeup.org (“Site” or “Website”) is for general informational and educational purposes only. This disclaimer is in agreement with our Terms of Use and Privacy Policy.
All the information contained in this site is a result of my own research and testing of products, as well as the reporting of my real life experiences, supported by my honest reviews. If I like one product, I will report it, in the same way if I don’t like it, I will report it as well, with transparency, because of my commitment with you, the reader.
However, have in mind that different products react in different ways depending on your skin type, condition and even taste. In this sense, there is no guarantee that one product or service will work in the same way for everyone. So it is important to know that all the content in this site is based on my personal experience and it is not guaranteed that a product or service will work in the same way for every reader.
With this, we are not liable at any time, for possible loss or damage after reading any of the articles displayed from this site, because we are very clear at all times that content displayed here is dedicated to give you initial, therefore initial instructions that won’t replace personalized professional advice.
Even though the content in this site is very well researched with care, and we use trustful sources, nothing will substitute professional advice. For this reason we advise to always look for professional advice any time you opt to do something that will affect your personal life. We will never encourage you to take any action regarding your looks and the products you use, so any action you take is solely from your own responsibility.
The content displayed in this site does not contain any legal, financial, health, medical, tax or any professional advice regarding these topics. We talk about makeup, and general skincare, fashion and beauty for general and educational purposes ONLY. Never take the information here as a substitute for professional advice.
Any action taken after reading this site, is from your own responsibility.
From time to time, it is possible that we may interview professionals in the beauty industry and get general advice for recreational, inspirational and informational purposes only. When that happens, we will state it clearly and provide a resource link so you can check these professionals in more detail. For situations like that, we are not responsible for what these professionals are sharing, even though we aim and look for the professionals that are reputable, we cannot guarantee control of what these professionals say and so as they are totally independent from this site.
There will be occasions that you may find external links in this site. These external links may point you to additional resources and literature review, as well as links that lead you to some productions mentioned in a particular article. Note that not all articles will contain links to product indication.
Apart from this, there will be ads and banners that contain external links to third-party websites, products, services or companies. I have no control as well as no direct relationship with these businesses, as I cannot decide which ads and banners I place on the site. This responsibility belongs solely to MEDIAVINE Network which I trust to deliver positive and reputable ads to my audience. Keep in mind that I only partner with companies I trust, and I have faith that Mediavine is delivering the best ads to my audience.
Nonetheless, I cannot guarantee or assume responsibility for any information, service or product offered by third-party websites and services, promoted by these ads.
I state the same for any affiliate link that may be added in this site, I have no control, on third-party websites and business logistics and methodologies of any kind and cannot have any involvement on how they offer or deliver their products or services. If you bought from these companies, and have any sort of complaints, you should contact these businesses directly, as I don’t have any type of involvement with them.
If you decide to click on links that lead to external websites, and decide to take any action in these third party websites, then you are responsible for your own actions taken in these external sites, as I do not have any relation or involvement with these third party websites.
Know that we take our readers very seriously and we are constantly researching and bringing truthful sources. However, we cannot guarantee that any advice contained in our articles will work to every one and in the same way.
For this reason, you acknowledge and agree that this website has not made any guarantees, nor that you will experience the same results as related by the authors of this site, for any product or service recommended here.
You acknowledge and agree that every person is different and what may work for one of our authors may not work in the same way for you and different people with different conditions. So, you understand that what works for one person may not work for another. We cannot guarantee that every one will experience the same results as the author, because results depend on several different factors and for this reason, we cannot make any guarantees. Your success or failing to achieve results, are beyond our control and depend only on your own circumstances and conditionals.
Themakeup may contain links for affiliate websites. Which means that there will be times, when I talk about a particular product or service, I may place links to the vendors of these products or services. Note that Not all articles will contain affiliate links, but some may contain.
I would like to state that all products in this site are handpicked and selected with you, the reader in mind. Our commitment is with your satisfaction and success, so we aim to place only the best rated products, that contain many testimonials, always pointing the pros and cons of any products in a way that you can have an holistic overview of the products and services mentioned here.
Every recommendation can be based on the personal experience and personal testings from the authors or they can be reports from extensive qualitative analysis of different products.
For any time you click on these affiliate links, it does not necessarily mean that we are earning any money from it. However, if you purchase products through one of these links, it is possible that I may receive a commission, only in the case the purchasing is completed. Have in mind that purchases you make through these affiliate links are at no additional cost to you. Meaning that the prices of goodies mentioned here will not be affected.
As I mentioned before, not all articles will contain affiliate links and to make it very clear to you, we will always let you know by placing a clear disclosure, any time, there are affiliate links in a particular article.
Down below you can find a list of the affiliate companies that we work until this moment:
- Amazon Associates
- LTK Creators
- ShareaSale Affiliates
- ShopStyle
At Themakeup we work with transparency, so any time we expand our affiliate network providers, you will find this list to be updated.
Amazon Affiliate Disclosure
themakeup.org is part of the Amazon Influencer program and the Amazon Services LLC Associates Program. These are affiliate programs that may allow us to earn commissions from products you buy through our links at no extra costs to you.
If you have any further questions, suggestions and would like to get in touch for any reason, please feel free to send us an email psrios(at)gmail(dot)com.