Business Casual for Women: Do’s and Don’ts To Thrive At Work

By Patricia Rios

We all want to look good and professional at work without compromising our comfort and well-being. At the same time, we want to transmit through our looks, that we are polished.

Business Casual for Women: Do's and Don'ts
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We know that The way we look at work can contribute to better acceptance and even promotions, as our personal fashion branding can speak even when we are quiet.

In today’s article let’s explore a few do’s and don’ts for ethical work fashion code to help you pass the right impression while feeling good about yourself.

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1. DO Say Yes To Clean Clothes

BY saying clean clothes I mean timeless fashion that are atemporal. Sometimes they can be minimalist but you can try pieces with details. For example, black and white social t-shirts, old money style or even more relaxed key pieces that are basic.

Clean clothes that have neutral colors that match any other colors, such as black, nude, naive blue, and marine green. 

2. Do’t Wear Boyfriend Jeans

I know that some workspaces are more relaxed than others, however, always avoid wearing ripped jeans or clothes at work, especially if you need to present yourself in front of others or your bosses. 

3. Do Wear Well Cut Pieces

Opt for well-cut pieces that are tailored to your body type and shape. I like the clothes to be comfortable but they should also be in an adequate shape and size. 

4. Don’t Wear Skinny Jeans Or Tighty Clothes

Skinny jeans and clothes that are too tight are pretty, but they may not look elegant in the office hours. This may cause discomfort with other colleagues, and even pass an image that you are there to show off your body.

There are many other ways to show your good shape with elegance, as a nice well-cut dress that you can wear and will pass a better impression.

5. DO Wear Classic Jeans and Pants

I think jeans are very comfortable to wear and there are some classy jeans that will help you have an effortless chic look without overdoing it. At the same time, high waisted social pants are perfect for those days you have meetings and presentations.

6. Do Not Wear Short Shorts or Skirts

This may sound obvious but I have worked in a place where some women wore very short shorts. Even though this was a modern start-up environment, this is not a good practice because people will notice you not for your competence but by the way to look needy and craving for attention. That’s harsh, I don’t like that people can be judgmental like that, but it happens.

Final Takes

I know some people’s places are more strict than others. Always get started (in the beginning) with neutral clothes and a basic style, while observing how your colleagues are presenting themselves.

What are the best workers wearing? I am not saying to copy them, but instead, use the style of the most successful ones to get inspired and have an idea of what you should wear or not!


Patricia Rios

I have been writing makeup and beauty content for more than ten years. My passion is to uplift you, my reader, to feel better about yourself.

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