Can You Wear Makeup After A Chemical Peel?

By Patricia Rios

Chemical peels are acids that remove dead cells and damaged superficial skin layers. As a result, you may experience a collagen boost and skin restoration. But Can You Wear Makeup After A Chemical Peel?

No, it is not indicated that you wear makeup straight after a chemical peeling because the procedure tends to leave skin more delicate than usual, susceptible to absorbing impurities, and prone to irritation. 

When Can I Wear Makeup After A Chemical Peel?

When Can I Wear Makeup After A Chemical Peel?

It depends on the type of chemical peel treatment you performed. Here’s what Doctor Harold Kaplan says:

  •  Some superficial chemicals may allow you to wait 24 hours after the procedure.
  • Deep chemicals: you should probably wait approximately two weeks or more.

Doctor Elizabeth Morgan advises using it when the skin has healed after peeling. She also suggests the following waiting time, depending on the chemical peel you use:

  • Phenol/croton oil peel, 10 – 14 days
  • For a 30% TCA peel, 10 – 14 days
  • Low-strength glycolic acid peel, 24 hours

Below, I share with you some different types of chemical peeling, classified by their respective degree of strength.

Types Of PeelsExampleTreatment / Good For
Superficial chemical peel / light peellow-strength lactic, salicylic, alpha hydroxy acid like glycolic acid Treats skin pigmentations, scarring, anti-aging concerns such as lines and wrinkles
MediumTCA, Jessner’s solution, and higher percentages of glycolic acidTreats severe acne scars/scarring, pigmentation, damage caused by the sun
deep peelphenol-based formulas / Treats severe acne scars / scarring, pigmentation, damage caused by the sun


What Happens If You Wear Makeup After Chemical Peel?

What Happens If You Wear Makeup After Chemical Peel?

If you don’t wait for the proper recovery time and apply makeup on bare skin, you may suffer from infection and other complications like redness and allergies.

Also, removing makeup may cause skin irritation due to the hypersensitivity of the treated skin.

Applying makeup such as face powder and some foundations may dry out your skin and make it look flaky.

What Kind Of Makeup Should I Use After Chemical Peel?

What Kind Of Makeup Should I Use After Chemical Peel?

Many doctors, including Dr. Andrew T. Lyos, Recommend using Mineral makeup, which is great for sensitive skin as it is free from Parabens, binders, and fillers.

They are hypoallergenic and suitable for all skin types, even if you suffer from skin problems such as acne, rosacea, or eczema. He also emphasizes the importance of cleaning your skin before bed; this way, you won’t clog your pores.


Patricia Rios

I have been writing makeup and beauty content for more than ten years. My passion is to uplift you, my reader, to feel better about yourself.

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